Easy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday Turkey Recipe
Healthy Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe
About two thanksgivings ago, I had one of THE juiciest turkeys ever! The outside was so nice and crispy and when you cut into the inside of the turkey, you could just see the juices dripping. It tasted so…

What is Rebounding?
What is rebounding on a mini trampoline?
According to Merriam- Webster's dictionary, the definition of rebound is “to bounce back off something after hitting it” and that is exactly what you are doing when you are rebounding on a trampoline.

5 Shocking Benefits of Rebounding
With all of the different types of exercises that are available, how do you choose the one that’s best for you? You have yoga, personal trainers, pilates, weight lifting, running, dancing, aerobics, water aerobics, and the list goes on and…

Rebounding: The Perfect Tiny House Exercise
When Tiny House Nation first aired, I was so intrigued. Just the entire idea of downsizing and simplifying your life so that you can really get back to the things that are most important—- like traveling, not being stressed over bills, and…